Monday, November 01, 2010

Are we all asleep in Inception?

It has been a few months since I saw Inception. I was so excited about it that I skipped an afternoon at Waikiki to catch it the day it opened. Recently I had a discussion about whether or not the main character, Cobb, was just dreaming the whole thing.

Initially I thought no, then yes and now it varies from day-to-day. I think this needs a little research and I will provide that in a post very soon. I may even need to re-read Ubik by Philip K. Dick. It reminds me of that SF novel from the late ’60s and may actually be the genesis of Inception.

Yeah, I don’t expect that you know of Philip K. Dick and probably think I am just playing with my own name. Nope. Real author (1928-1982). You probably saw a few of the movies made from his novels: Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, Imposter, Paycheck, Scanner Darkly and Next (Curse you, Nicolas Cage!) Now I can’t get him out of my head and I’ll have to write a piece about how Nicholas Cage is the worst living actor.

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